Anti-vibration antisound UNOFLEX joints
I giunti UNOFLEX
devono essere installati
su tubazioni
esattamente allineate
I giunti UNOFLEX
devono essere utilizzati
in verticale e mai in orizzontale
Adatti per installazioni su tubazioni in cui scorrono liquidi, in particolare per l’acqua
Non idonei per utilizzo con tubazioni per il gas
I giunti UNOFLEX devono lavorare in trazione
ANTI-SOUND UNOFLEX JOINTS are used for mechanical insulation and soundproofing along pressurized piping.
In the field of MECHANICAL vibrations the insulating effectiveness of each coupling depends on its elastic compliance which must exist regardless of the load condition to which it is subjected.
In the field of ACOUSTIC vibrations, where the displacement amplitudes are almost negligible, the sound insulation efficiency must be sought essentially in the softness of the elastic element with which the continuity of insulations is realized along the path of sound.